You may cancel your subscription (including free trials) at any time. Subscriptions are automatically billed according to the period stated upon purchase (weekly/monthly/annually). The cancellation steps vary depending on who your subscription is billed through.

Another way you may have signed up is through an Android app. If you're using an Android phone and subscribed through the app, your account is being billed and managed by Google Play. 

Below are the step-by-step instructions on how you can cancel a subscription, depending on what device you're using.



  1. Open the Play Store app on your phone or tablet.
  2. Tap the Menu button (three horizontal lines), Account > Subscriptions.
  3. Find the "Fax App to Send Document" subscription in your list, and then tap Cancel.


  1. Go to Google Play. Sign in with the same Google Account that you used to purchase your subscription.
  2. Find the relevant subscription in your list.
  3. Choose Cancel Subscription.


You'll receive an email from Google Play confirming the cancellation.